Saturday, December 12, 2009

It's easy being green

(the cat is real and was not drugged or harmed in any way in the making of this image)
I styled this piece last year for the Boston Sunday Globe magazine.  My good friend Eric Roth ( )was the photographer and Christie Matheson was the author.  The article talks about ways to "reuse and refashion" everything for the holidays.  Here are a few green holiday gift ideas that I'm sure most of us would love. Most of these can be found  affordably at flea markets or your local antiques shop.
  1. Vintage scarf
  2. Antique tea pot and tea cups
  3. faux pearls
  4. vintage crystal water and wine glasses
  5. vintage blankets and throws
  6. unmatched silverware and serving pieces
  7. antique hardcover books
  8. vintage ornaments
The sky's the limit....All one of a kind ...And bound to turn your white Christmas ...Green.


Anonymous said...

kelly, thanks for sending me a link to your blog. I love it and look forward to many more.. xo, margaret

Viera said...

Very glad you started the blog. I am a big fan and love your work.