Saturday, December 26, 2009

Christine Lane Interiors

Christine Lane is one of my favorite  designers. "Calm, well edited and comfortable are the signature characteristics of spaces designed by Christine Lane."  This family friendly home in Wellesley,Massachusetts  says it all.

eric roth photography


Robyn Thompson said...

lovely interiors! thanks for your comment! you seem to have my dream job - all of your styling is truly amazing! i don't know much about styling yet, but i am so interested in learning more.
i do all of my own photographs - thanks for the compliments!

Hanne said...

Hey Kelly

This was in one of my magazines - i can't remember which - but i perused over and over again - was the article that made me fall in love with drum shades...

Meg said...

I pulled this one out of the magazine. It's stunning! I like the livig room colors work with the art.
I'm also digging the little pops of color throughout; very restrained.